Boarding Contract Form

To save time during your next visit, we encourage you to complete the Boarding Contract Form below before arriving for your pet’s upcoming appointment.

Boarding Contract Form

Please fill out this form as completely and as accurately as possible.

Kennel Operating Times

Pets may be dropped off and discharged only when medical staff is present. The continuous presence of kennel staff is not provided during nighttime hours and at certain times during the week and weekend, although video monitoring is maintained.

Monday-Saturday: 8 AM - 6 PM
Sunday: Closed

PCACC Policies & Procedures

All policies and procedures are subject to future change at the sole discretion of PCACC.

Health Standards

    1. All dogs shall be current on rabies, distemper, parvo, canine influenza, and bordetella vaccinations as well as a current fecal exam.
    2. All cats shall be current on rabies and DDstemper vaccinations.
    3. All pets must be current on flea and tick prevention. Any pets discovered to have fleas, ticks, other parasites, or contagious problems will be treated at the Pet Owner’s expense.
    4. PCACC recommends a bath for all boarded dogs at the end of their stay. If your pet becomes soiled, refreshment baths may be carried out at the sole discretion of PCACC and its representatives. Charges may be applied to the Pet Owner’s account, and payment is due when checking out.

Reservations and Cancellations

    1. Deposits and/or cancellation fees may apply for extended stays and bookings during holidays or peak seasons.

Check-Out Time

    1. The check-out time for all boarded guests is 12 noon on the pet's day of departure. Any pets that are checked out between 12 PM and 6 PM will be charged for a half-day of daycare. Rates are available on the PCACC pricing sheet.
    2. Boarding guests that are scheduled for a go-home bath will be cleaned in the morning, and check-out time is extended to 2 PM. Pet Owners will be notified when their pet is ready to be picked up. Any pets checked out between 2 PM and 6 PM will be charged for a half-day of daycare. Rates are available on the PCACC pricing sheet.

Feeding and Medicating

    1. PCACC feeds Hill’s Science Diet kibble for Sensitive Skin and Digestive Health to all pets. However, if you would like us to follow a different diet for your pet, you can purchase food on-site or provide your preferred food in person when dropping off your pet. Please make sure to label the food with your pet's first and last name as well as any specific feeding instructions.
    2. If your pet is on medication or takes vitamins, please present staff with clear instructions so that our team can properly administer them to your pet. If the supply that you bring is exhausted before the end of your pet's stay, PCACC will supply replacement medications at a standard charge. A dosing fee may be charged depending on the medication and frequency as well.

Personal Items

    1. Please do not leave any valuable or irreplaceable items with your pet when you drop them off. PCACC accepts up to two toys and one blanket per animal. PCACC is not responsible for any lost or damaged items that you leave with your pet.

Abandoned Pet Procedure

    1. If you fail to pick up your pet by the designated time, and if you did not make satisfactory alternative arrangements with PCACC, then PCACC will continue to provide basic service to ensure the health and safety of your pet. Please note that charges will continue to accrue during this time. PCACC will continue to make an effort to contact you using the information we have on file. As the Pet Owner, you understand that PCACC will proceed according to guidelines provided by Florida Statute 705.19: "Abandonment of Animals by Owner" if you do not pick up your pet or make other arrangements for your pet within 10 days of the prior agreement. You shall remain liable to PCACC for all unpaid charges, including any court costs and attorney's fees that are incurred during this time.

I have read and understand the following:

    1. I agree that I am the owner (or designated agent of the owner) of the pet(s), and I am fully authorized to enter this agreement.
    2. I understand and agree that PCACC is relying on my representations of my pet’s health and behavior. I further understand and agree that PCACC and its staff will not be liable for any health problems that my pet(s) develop(s). I agree and understand that PCACC reserves the right to deny admittance to my pet(s) at any time for any reason.
    3. I understand and agree that PCACC will not be liable for any injuries or illnesses that occur as a result of my pet’s attendance, including but not limited to rough hair coat, weight loss, and accidental injuries. I understand that PCACC and its representatives may have to treat my pet in the case of an emergency or an accident. I also understand that charges may be added to my account, and I recognize that they are due at the time of check-out.
    4. I understand that group exercise and group play are situations where pets co-mingle in groups, and if I have given permission to PCACC to allow my pet(s) to participate in group events, I understand and acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with pets co-mingling, including but not limited to bites, scratches, and sore muscles.
    5. I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that my pet(s) have not been exposed to any communicable diseases within the past 30 days. I also certify, to the best of my knowledge, that my pet is free of contagious parasitic problems, whether internal or external, including fleas and ticks.
    6. I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of my pet(s) while in the care of PCACC. I release PCACC from any liability arising from my pet(s) while in attendance at PCACC, and I accept full responsibility for any and all costs for injury sustained by staff members or other animals or damage to facilities caused by my pet(s). I hereby release PCACC of any liability, and I further agree to indemnify and save them harmless against any and all claims arising from my pet’s attendance at PCACC, including but not limited to all costs, damages, attorney's fees, expenses, and liabilities in connection with my pet's attendance.
    7. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me to retrieve my pet(s) in an emergency, such as a natural disaster. I agree that PCACC, in its sole discretion, is authorized to transport and/or make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for my pet(s) until I retrieve my pet(s).
    8. I understand and agree that my pet(s) may be photographed, videotaped, and/or recorded. I also understand and agree that PCACC retains all rights to use and proceeds from the use of images of my pet(s).
    9. I understand that this agreement covers the current relationship between PCACC and me. Each time I bring my pet(s) to PCACC, I affirm the terms of this agreement as well as the truthfulness and accuracy of all statements I make in this agreement.

I have read and understand this entire agreement. I have had the opportunity to discuss it to my satisfaction with a representative of Pine Castle Animal Care Center as well, and I fully agree to its terms and conditions.

Clear Signature